EduCorp Blog
“How do I prove what I know without a piece of paper?”
In life, there are individuals, who in spite of apparent academic challenge and disengagement from the schooling process (frequently labelled failures), grow to be successful entrepreneurs, artists, inventors, revered for their ability to create a product of exquisite beauty, idea of genius or expression of talent, held in high esteem by all those in awed observance.
Read more"Is it worth my precious time?" : What is Critical Analysis?
Critical Analysis is one of the skills most necessary in a world saturated with information. To critically analyse is to adopt an evaluative process - taking information "onboard", according to merit. Determining by observing, skimming, then reading/viewing and reflecting - taking the time to process, if the information being considered is opinion or fact, valid or misinformation, bias or objective. Then contributing this information to take a perspective or point of view in considering issues.
Quiet no more!
Heutology is now available to all "self determined learners" of any age or professional bent. Heutology will capture and track formal and informal, "real learning".
Goal Setting - not as easy as it looks.....
"Why Learn?" The "why" of learning indicates the motivation, relevant to personal reflection and decision making around goals - setting and achieving, moving toward the purpose of being.
There are multiple ways of constructing/unpacking goals, ultimately if goals are too broad they may be aspirational or unattainable. Short, medium and long term goals are all part of growing purpose.
A popular structure for setting a goal is using the acronym S.M.A.R.T.+.
Read moreAgile Learning Methodology
Agile Learning Methodology is based on the concept of Agile Scrum Methodology, a software development process which was documented by Ken Schwaber, with others, who founded the Scrum Alliance. It will soon be released as part of the Heutology > Learning Log - stay tuned!!
The Trilogy Unveiled
The release of the Trilogy of Tools (EduBrowse / Learning Log / ePortfolio) embedded in and around EduCorp > Heutology, one solution to these and other mysteries of the learning universe will be unveiled, Wednesday March 16, 2016, 7:30am (AEST) on Periscope. Come to Mama!!!
Announcement: Teacher / Coach Onboard
We are very pleased to announce our partnership with
Dr Jared Scherz has selected 21 courses available to EduCorp Members. The Teacher / Coach organisation strives to provide a responsive, online coaching and elearning service for educators and parents.
Read moreGame-Based Learning or Gamification
Game-based learning has grown and expanded with advancing technology. Software has been used as a start point for constructing learning contexts for 30 years or more (really game-based learning has been applied for thousands of years, with the tools of the time). The complexity, animation and user experience of interacting with virtual games have been the developing aspects of this style of learning experience.
Gamification of any given activity or experience is reliant on the applicaiton of game protocols and features, turning that action into a game. Find out EduCorp's plans to gamify the "learning process" via the "Learning Log" application, to be revealed on March 16, 2016.
Read moreLearning Ecosystems
"Learning Ecosystems: a movable feast" . This is not a new concept, Learning Ecosystems have been explored since 2000. George Siemens began the conversation around Learning Ecology in his exploration into connectivism. Bronfenbrenner first made the ecological leap, referring to individuals as being at the centre of multiple ecosystems. The term ecosystem has been tossed around more frequently since 2008 when the Learning and Developement / Instructional Design sector began referring to Learning Ecology. However, there are very few examples of a Learning Ecosystem having been taken to full development.