Announcement: Teacher / Coach Onboard

EduCorp Blog

Sunday, 6th March 2016

We are very pleased to announce our partnership with .

The delightful Dr Jared Scherz: psychologist, author and CEO of Teacher / Coach has created a portal for EduCorp members to be able to access a selection of personal / emotional development courses as part of your EduCorp Membership. We are so pleased to promote Teacher / Coach as a socially conscious organisation, working toward the health & well being of educators (and in turn their students) globally.

Jared has identified 21 courses that meet the needs of educators as members of the community who deal with human emotion on a daily basis, both their own and those of their students. Teacher / Coach provides a coaching service, as well as online - elearning offerings. The courses selected are just a few available from the Teacher / Coach catalogue.

To find the Teacher / Coach Portal - go to the "Work-Life Balance" section of EduCorp online and select the big TC - sign in and start learning. If you would like to add a Teacher/Coach Portal to your School or District website (for educators and/or parents), simply Call (856) 787-1555, Teacher/Coach is located in New Jersey, New York State, USA.

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